Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a set of techniques developed by Vodder to help the lymphatic system function correctly. In lymphedema, where tissues retain fluid and swell, the goal of MLD is to reduce the swelling. MLD can also be used after trauma or surgery to help prevent the formation of scar tissue.

Postpartum massage

After giving birth, the core is weakened. Massage therapy can help with the muscle strain that happens during delivery, as well as balance out compensations in your posture that happen afterwards. Treatments focus on your back, neck, hips, and hamstrings. For caesarean births, we can also begin working on a scar as soon as the wound is closed.

Don’t let fall be a pain in the back

As the seasons change and the weather begins to cool, many of us are getting out to do our fall clean up. Whether you are cleaning up the yard or clearing out the garage, make sure to follow these simple tips to help avoid injuries.

Benefits of Reflexology and Reiki

Reflexology deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the hands and feet which directly correspond to all of the glands, organs, and parts of the body. Stimulating these reflex areas properly is a type of preventative maintenance and can help many health and wellness issues in a natural way. It reduces stress, helps manage pain, and promotes deep relaxation, physical healing, spiritual healing, and self-improvement. Reiki and Reflexology are highly effect together and in conjunction with other medical and therapeutic techniques.

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel is the most common nerve compression in the arm and is a result of a median nerve compression at the wrist. It causes numbness and tingling in the first three and one-half fingers. As the condition progresses, muscle weakness and tension in the forearm muscles also occur.

Canada Day weekend hours

Happy Canada Day long weekend! We are open Saturday for chiropractic care and massage, but we are closed Monday. Stay cool, Canada!

Compartment syndrome and periostitis (a.k.a. shin splints)

Both compartment syndrome and periostitis can occur on the front or back of the lower leg, causing pain and tightness. Symptoms increase with exercise and decrease with rest. But, while they can both occur in the same locations and have similar symptoms, they aren’t quite the same.

New tool in the toolbox

I recently completed two continuing education seminars called Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT). By using NKT, practitioners can identify areas that are overworking and understand why other areas are compensating for them. By addressing muscles that are overworking, muscles that are under working can turn on which will improve movement patterns, muscle tone, pain, or other symptoms someone might complain about.

Osteopathy and fertility issues

Structural dysfunctions alter how the nervous and circulatory systems communicate with the pelvic organs. A restriction in blood flow limits the flow of hormones and nutrients necessary to regulate the function of these organs. Osteopathy brings balance to the body by using gentle movements to correct structural and postural imbalances. Improving the alignment and biomechanics of the body, but more specifically the pelvis, will improve how the body functions.

Baseball season is around the corner!

Youth participation in baseball is on the rise across Canada. It demands a lot of physical skill to play and can therefore result in injury. New players are also using muscles they haven’t used before and learning new movements. Along with sore muscles, some of the most common injuries are to the elbows and shoulders.

Orthotics Promotion: BOGO for $100

During November and December, YOUR HEALTH Wellness Centre is offering the following special: Buy one pair of Custom Orthotics and receive the second pair for only $100. Custom orthotics differ from the inserts you can buy at any store. They are specially made to conform to the unique shape of…

Thank you for supporting Jayden’s run!

(October 1)

YOUR HEALTH and insomnia

The fall can sometimes feel overwhelming! With kids back to school, activities starting, the dreaded return to making school lunches, and work projects ramping back up, it’s hard to find the energy to keep up with it all, especially if you are not getting enough sleep. Being tired increases your risk of getting into a car accident, increases your risk of mental health disorders, increases your risk of physical health issues such as high blood pressure and heart disease, and impairs your work/school performance.

Weight loss acupuncture: does it work?

Are you struggling to lose weight even after trying diet and exercise plans? Weight loss acupuncture might benefit you! There are several reasons for weight gain that you might not be able to address through diet and exercise alone. Acupuncture can help address the underlying causes so that you can get your weight loss back on track.

What is hypnosis and how can it help me?

Hypnosis is a trained technique of conversation that creates a highly relaxed state of deep concentration. There are many misconceptions surrounding hypnosis. Many people believe that people who are hypnotized are asleep or unconscious. In fact, hypnosis creates a mind state where the client is even more focused than ever before! Hypnosis can help clients do something they currently cannot do (such as reduce their stress) or to stop doing something that they currently do (such as smoking).

Thank you for supporting YOUR HEALTH during Inside Out for Autism!

Dr. Carole and the YOUR HEALTH therapists would like to thank everyone who offered support during April’s Inside Out for Autism event. With your help, we were able to raise $150 to help raise awareness and acceptance for Autism Spectrum Disorders!

It takes a village … to heal a hamstring!

As many of you know, Dr. Carole is training for a triathlon this summer. But, even an experienced chiropractor can sometimes forget her own advice about stretching.

YOUR HEALTH and tendonitis

Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon. It is an overuse injury, caused by chronic overload of a tendon. At the beginning, you might feel pain only after you are physically active. But, if it progresses far enough, the pain can become constant with even the smallest of your daily activities.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders

The temporomandibular joint acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. There is one joint on each side of your jaw. It is a small joint that is localized in front of your ear. Many people have headaches or pain and tenderness around that region and don’t realize that it might be related to a jaw issue.

What is Piriformis syndrome?

Piriformis syndrome is caused by the shortening or contraction of the piriformis muscle, which then compresses the sciatic nerve. When the sciatic nerve is compressed, you might feel pain down the back of one thigh into your calf, or even into the sole of your foot. You might also have numbness in your foot.

What is the difference between a CT scan and an MRI?

Many family doctors give a requisition or recommendation for a CT scan or an MRI without explaining the differences between those tests. As a result, patients, friends, and family members often ask us what the difference is between the two. Let’s review some basic points about these types of imaging studies.

Mood and exercise

The new year is a time when people often take stock of life and think of what they can work on in the next year … yes, the New Year’s Resolution! Often, these resolutions include becoming more physically active. Becoming more active is a great goal – years of working in healthcare has shown me your body is meant to move!

Tips for staying active during the holidays

Don’t let the cold weather stop you from staying active during the holidays! It is challenging to remain healthy and stay active during the holidays with snow on the ground, eggnog in the punch bowl, work parties, and family gatherings. Stay active and include your family!

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease worldwide. For some patients, osteoarthritis can be very severe and disabling; surgery is the only resort and usually the last option. Considering that there are many risks and potential side effects to that kind of treatment, always try a trial of conservative care to see if that can help you.

Leaky gut syndrome: my gut is leaking?!?

Do you suffer from low energy? Brain fog? Inability to lose weight? Food sensitivities? Bloating? Gas? If you do, you might have leaky gut syndrome! Leaky gut or “increased intestinal permeability” is a condition affecting the lining of the intestines, creating a dysfunctional environment for proper digestion. This can trigger an immune response that can lead to chronic inflammation in the body and can contribute to joint pain, skin issues, autoimmune diseases, and further digestive concerns.

Are your kids ready to go back to school?

The new school year is coming at full force but what’s back to school season without the perfect backpack? Backpacks are a helpful accessory every child needs; however, they can really be a pain in the back. Unevenly or improperly distributed weight can lead to poor posture and even distort the spinal column. More than 50% of young people experience lower back pain by their teenage years and research indicates that this could be caused by improper use of backpacks at an early age!

Yoga is a life style!

Yoga has become a part of our way of life here at YOUR HEALTH Wellness Centre. If you are wondering “What is yoga?,” that’s a very good question that I can answer for you. Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that’s origin was in India more than 5,000 years ago. Yoga uses controlled breathing as a way to merge the mind, body, and spirit. The breathing techniques are called pranayamas.

Pull weeds, not muscles

With the warm weather approaching, many are beginning to remember the gardens that have been hidden under the snow for the past months. Gardening is the perfect way to contribute to the environment and get moving with the benefit of loads of vitamin D. However, bending, shoveling, and pulling weeds can also pull muscles, induce injury, and cause aches and pains.

Beat fatigue with Naturopathic Medicine!

There are several possible underlying causes of low energy levels such as: nutritional deficiencies, impaired thyroid function, depression, and adrenal fatigue.

Prevent the winter blues with massage therapy

Although winter is beautiful, many people experience fatigue and seasonal depression and lose the momentum to invest in their health. Massage therapy can be a great way to help relax, revive, and recharge your body from the stresses of winter.