What is that coloured tape on athletes at the 2012 Olympics? (for an example see Strapping lads and lassies… Kinesio tape, a style statement as well as taking the strain).
Strapping and taping techniques give support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion, and can also help prevent injury and protect the athlete from re-injury whilst returning to sport. The tape limits the movement in an injured joint to prevent excess or abnormal movement and provides support to muscles surrounding the joint that might be under additional strain due to the ligament injury.
Another benefit of taping is thought to be the enhanced proprioception (or kinaesthetic feedback) that the tape provides during movement (or in other words it is thought to improve co-ordination). For example if a taped ankle starts to invert (turn over) during a jump then the tape will restrict this and inform the body that it needs to contract muscles to prevent this movement in the ankle. Without this feedback, the athlete may be unaware the ankle has started to invert and land on it badly injuring it again. Tape can also be used to protect unstable joints where repeated or severe ligament damage has resulted in stretching of the ligaments and joint laxity.
Tape should only be used in conjunction with a proper rehabilitation program including stretching, mobility and strengthening exercises. Our chiropractors have experience with a variety of different taping techniques for both chronic and acute types of injuries.